what is the integral view of public administration

what is the integral view of public administration

1 year ago 32

The integral view of public administration is one of two divergent views on the nature of public administration. According to this view, public administration refers to all activities from clerical to managerial activity of the administration. This means that administration is the sum total of all activities of manual, clerical, or managerial, and all the work processes done by government officials from peon to executive officers are part of public administration. L.D. White, Woodrow Wilson, and Marshal E. Dimock are the main supporters of this view.

In contrast, the managerial view of public administration refers to only managerial activity of the administration. This means that in this view, administration constitutes only the work of those persons who are performing managerial functions. Activities of clerical, manual, and technical departments are excluded from the range of public administration. Luther Gulick, Henry Fayol, and Herbert Simon are the main supporters of the managerial view.

Overall, the integral view of public administration is an all-encompassing view that includes all activities and employees from all levels of government, while the managerial view is a more restricted view that focuses only on managerial functions.

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