In an experiment, the independent variable (IV) is a variable that is manipulated by the researcher to investigate whether it consequently brings change in another variable. The IV is the variable that is changed to see how it affects something else. On the other hand, the dependent variable (DV) is a variable that is being measured/observed. The DV is the outcome variable, the thing that you want to improve_WITHOUT_UNITS/01%3A_Introduction_to_Behavioral_Statistics/1.04%3A_Types_of_Data_and_How_to_Measure_Them/1.4.01%3A_IV_and_DV-_Variables_as_Predictors_and_Outcomes). It is assumed to be affected by the IV, hence the term ‘dependent’ (its value depends on the state of the IV) . The DV is the variable that you think is the effect (the thing that the IV changes) _WITHOUT_UNITS/01%3A_Introduction_to_Behavioral_Statistics/1.04%3A_Types_of_Data_and_How_to_Measure_Them/1.4.01%3A_IV_and_DV-_Variables_as_Predictors_and_Outcomes). For example, in an experiment that investigates whether time spent studying improves exam results, the IV would be time spent studying, and the DV would be exam results.
To summarize:
- IV: the variable that is manipulated by the researcher to investigate whether it consequently brings change in another variable.
- DV: the variable that is being measured/observed. It is assumed to be affected by the IV.