The Kingdom of God is a concept that appears in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. It is mentioned over 70 times in the New Testament, with the Gospel of Matthew alone containing over 30 references. The Kingdom of God is synonymous with the Kingdom of Heaven. The concept of the Kingdom of God takes on various shades of meaning in different passages of Scripture. Here are some key aspects of the Kingdom of God:
Gods Reign: The basic meaning of the word "kingdom" in the Bible is Gods reign, not realm or people. The Kingdom of God is Gods sovereign action in the world to redeem and deliver a people and then at a future time finish it and renew his people and the universe completely.
Gods Rule: The Kingdom of God is wherever God reigns, and since He reigns everywhere, the Kingdom of God is everywhere. It is the rule of an eternal, sovereign God over all the universe. The Kingdom of God is a spiritual rule over the hearts and lives of those who willingly submit to Gods authority.
Gods Messiah: The Kingdom of God will be ruled by Gods appointed Messiah, who will be not just the Redeemer of His people, but their King. The literal rule of Christ on the earth during the millennium is also considered to be the Kingdom of God.
The interpretation of the phrase "Kingdom of God" is often based on the theological leanings of the scholar-interpreter). The term has been used to mean Christian lifestyle, a method of world evangelization, the rediscovery of charismatic gifts, and many other things). The Kingdom of God is not rules and regulations but a relationship with God where He is in control of ones life.