what is the last level of candy crush

what is the last level of candy crush

1 year ago 37

As of March 21, 2023, there are 13,745 levels in Candy Crush Saga across Android, iOS, Amazon devices, and Facebook versions of the game. However, since the developers have stated that Candy Crush is technically endless with the frequent addition of new levels, it is impossible to finish the game entirely. The last available level of Candy Crush will depend on the version that the player is playing since some versions have more levels available than others.

It is worth noting that there are nifty badges available for certain level milestones, according to the King Community. However, since the game is endless, players who do get through the last available level will need to wait for more.

There is no information available on what happens after the last level of Candy Crush, as the game is endless and new levels are frequently added.

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