what is the lowest iq ever recorded

what is the lowest iq ever recorded

1 year ago 37

There is no record of the lowest IQ ever, but the lowest IQ score possible is zero. In theory, someone can score zero on an IQ test, but no one in recorded history has officially scored zero on an IQ test, even if that result is theoretically attainable. People with smooth brains or lissencephaly tend to get the lowest IQs, which is around 20. However, IQ scores below 75 points are often held by those with some form of mental or cognitive impairment, which typically aren’t asked or required to complete IQ tests. It is hard to pinpoint the lowest IQ score because people with mental deficiencies can get very low scores because they lack the ability to comprehend the test and therefore cannot properly answer its questions. While its theoretically possible to get a score close to zero on an IQ test, any person who would score that low wouldnt have to take an IQ test in the first place, as there are other tests designed specifically to gauge the intelligence of people with severe mental handicaps.

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