what is the majority whip

what is the majority whip

1 year ago 37

In the United States Congress, both the House of Representatives and the Senate have majority and minority whips). The majority whip is the third-highest ranking individual in the majority party in the Senate, outranked by the majority leader and, unofficially, the president pro tempore of the Senate). In the House of Representatives, the Democratic Whip assists the Democratic leadership in managing the partys legislative program on the House Floor. The whip is responsible for counting heads and rounding up party members for votes and quorum calls, and they occasionally stand in for the majority or minority leaders in their absence. The term "whip" comes from a fox-hunting expression—"whipper-in"—referring to the member of the hunting team responsible for keeping the dogs from straying from the team during a chase. The whip provides a communications network for the party members and mobilizes them for important party measures coming up for a vote. The whip is also responsible for making sure members of their party are in the debating chamber when required and organizing members of their party to speak during debates).

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