what is the meaning of rake

what is the meaning of rake

1 year ago 37

The word "rake" has multiple meanings, including:

  • Garden tool: A rake is a garden tool consisting of a row of metal teeth attached to a long handle. It is used to gather leaves, break apart soil, make ground smooth, etc. .

  • Search: Rake can also mean to search something by moving the contents around quickly, such as when police may rake through a crime scene for clues or when you may rake through a messy desk to find a pencil.

  • Slope: Rake can refer to an upward or downward slant or slope, such as the slight/steep rake of a stage or the forward rake of a barge.

  • Man: In high society, a rake is an immoral man, especially one who is rich or with a high social position, who lives in an immoral way, especially having sex with a lot of women.

  • Other meanings: Rake can also mean to gain rapidly or in abundance, to censure severely, or to glance over rapidly.

In summary, the meaning of "rake" depends on the context in which it is used.

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