what is the minimum income to sponsor an immigrant 2023

what is the minimum income to sponsor an immigrant 2023

1 year ago 43

According to the search results, the minimum income required to sponsor an immigrant for a green card in 2023 depends on the sponsors household size and location. The most common minimum annual income required to sponsor a spouse or family member for a green card is $24,650, assuming that the sponsor is not on active military duty and is sponsoring only one relative. This figure is based on the Federal Poverty Guidelines, which state that most sponsors must have a minimum income of 125% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines for their household size and location.

The minimum annual income requirements for most sponsors based on household size are as follows:

  • 2 people: $24,650
  • 3 people: $31,075
  • 4 people: $37,500
  • 5 people: $43,925
  • 6 people: $50,350
  • 7 people: $56,775
  • 8 people: $63,220

If the sponsors income is not enough to satisfy the minimum income requirement for sponsorship, they may include income from other adult household members, such as adult children, adult siblings, and parents, as long as they commit to making this income available to help provide financial support to the green card applicant relative.

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