The rarest eye color in the world is a matter of debate, as different sources provide different answers. Here are the different answers from the search results:
Violet or Red Eyes: According to, violet or red eyes are the rarest eye color in the world, with less than 0.01% of the population having this unique hue. This eye color is often associated with albinism, a genetic condition that results in the absence of melanin, the pigment responsible for coloring hair, skin, and eyes. Without melanin, the iris appears transparent, allowing the blood vessels in the back of the eye to show through.
Green Eyes: According to and, green eyes are the rarest eye color in the world, with only about 2% of the population having them. This eye color is due to a combination of genetic factors and the presence of pigments like melanin or lipochrome in the iris.
Its worth noting that eye color is a complex trait that is influenced by many factors, including genetics and the presence of pigments like melanin or lipochrome in the iris. The most common eye color in the world is brown, followed by blue and then green or hazel.