what is the msa

what is the msa

1 year ago 37

A Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) is a formal definition of a region that consists of a city and surrounding communities that are linked by social and economic factors. The U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) delineates MSAs as having at least one urbanized area with a minimum population of 50,000. MSAs serve to group counties and cities into specific geographic areas for population censuses and compilations of related statistical data. The term "metropolitan area" (MA) refers collectively to metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs), consolidated metropolitan statistical areas (CMSAs), and primary metropolitan statistical areas (PMSAs).

It is important to note that the term "MSA" can also refer to a Master Service Agreement, which is a fundamental contract outlining the scope of the relationship between two parties, including terms and conditions for current and future activities and responsibilities. However, in the context of the search results provided, the term "MSA" refers to the formal definition of a region that consists of a city and surrounding communities.

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