what is the national vegetable of india

what is the national vegetable of india

1 year ago 33

The national vegetable of India is the Indian Pumpkin, commonly known as "Kaddu" in Hindi. It is a type of winter squash that is commonly grown for food and has a smooth, slightly ribbed skin, and a hollow center filled with seeds and fibers. It is round or oblong in shape and is typically orange in color. The Indian Pumpkin is a staple in Indian cuisine due to its versatility in cooking and adaptability to varying soil conditions. It can be cultivated as both a climber and a creeper, and it is known for being able to grow easily and give plenty of vegetables. The pumpkins sweet taste complements not only other vegetables but also lentils and spices, making it a delightful addition to diverse recipes. Although many websites claim that the Indian Pumpkin is the National Vegetable of India, there is no mention of a National Vegetable on the Indian government’s website for citizens.

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