what is the oura ring

what is the oura ring

1 year ago 87

The Oura Ring is a smart ring designed to track sleep and physical activity. It is a small and lightweight device that fits snugly around your index, middle, or ring finger. The ring uses advanced sensor technology to deliver personalized sleep and health insights straight from your body. The Oura Ring measures a wide range of body metrics associated with fitness, sleep, and readiness for physical activities. The device is primarily a sleep tracker, measuring time spent in deep, light, and REM sleep, as well as heart rate variability, respiratory rate, and body temperature. The ring generates daily scores to provide a quick glimpse into your activity, readiness, and sleep. The Oura Ring is made of high-quality materials, has a long battery life, and is waterproof. It is designed for accuracy above all because it measures from the palm side of your finger, where the pulse signal is strong to read from. The Oura Ring is a well-made device that can be useful if you’re looking to improve your sleep.

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