Big Brother is a reality TV show where a group of people, referred to as houseguests, live together in a custom-built house outfitted with cameras and microphones recording their every move 24/7. The houseguests are completely isolated from the outside world, meaning that they are not allowed any contact with those not in the house). Each week, the houseguests vote someone out of the house, and the last remaining houseguest wins a grand prize of $500,000. The show is a social experiment reality show where a number of strangers with different personalities live together for a certain period of time, supervised by the unseen voice of Big Brother. Each week, Big Brother gives tasks, challenges, and twists that may affect their stay and relationship towards other housemates inside the house. The show is a social strategy competition, similar to Survivor, that takes place live over the summer. The show is known for its live feeds, which allow viewers to tune in and see what their favorite houseguests are up to. The show has become a long-running summertime hit for CBS, and it has been adapted in many countries worldwide).