what is the point of the purge

what is the point of the purge

1 year ago 44

The point of the Purge, as depicted in the movie franchise, is to serve as a mechanism for population control and to allow citizens to release their pent-up aggression, with the idea that it would make them better, harder-working citizens the rest of the year. The Purge takes place in a near-future world where an organization called the New Founding Fathers of America have taken control of the United States and created an annual holiday called The Purge, during which all crime, including murder, is decriminalized for a 12-hour period. The Purge is also portrayed as a means of eliminating the poor and disadvantaged for the benefit of the wealthy and powerful, and as a way to keep crime and unemployment rates low, and the economy strong. Additionally, it is suggested that the Purge is used as a method of artificial population control, with the unemployed poor and some working-class people being the main targets. While some citizens have embraced the Purge, others are depicted as trying to bring an end to this violent holiday and overthrow the New Founding Fathers. The franchise is also seen as a commentary on capitalism and violent class warfare, offering a thoughtful exploration of these themes throughout the movies and TV series.

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