what is the population of greenland

what is the population of greenland

1 year ago 92

According to the latest United Nations estimates, the population of Greenland as of September 21, 2023, is 56,676. Greenland is the least densely populated region in the world, with most residents being Inuit. The population is concentrated mainly on the southwest coast, and the rest of the island is sparsely populated. In terms of country of birth, the population is estimated to be of 89.7% Greenlandic origin (Inuit including European-Inuit multi-ethnic), 7.8% Danish, 1.1% other Nordic, and 1.4% other. The majority of the population lives in towns, with about 48,000 inhabitants in the 16 towns and the other 8,500 people living in the countrys 54 settlements.

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