what is the price of 1 unit of electricity in pakistan 2023

what is the price of 1 unit of electricity in pakistan 2023

1 year ago 75

As of September 27, 2023, the price of 1 unit of electricity in Pakistan varies depending on the number of units consumed. According to, the prices are as follows:

  • 1-100 units: Rs. 7.87
  • 101-200 units: Rs. 10.54
  • 201-300 units: Rs. 12.89
  • 301-700 units: Rs. 21.88

Meanwhile, states that the price of electricity per unit as of September 27, 2023, is Rs. 52 for 601 to 700 units and Rs. 65 for above 700 units. It is important to note that electricity prices in Pakistan are subject to change and may vary depending on the province and the time of year.

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