what is the purpose of narrative text

what is the purpose of narrative text

1 year ago 44

The purpose of narrative text is to entertain or inform the reader by presenting a series of events in a coherent and engaging way. Narrative text structures should be easy to remember because the structure follows a story with a beginning, a middle, and an end. The purpose of narrative writing is to tell stories, whether factual or fictional, in an emotionally engaging way/06%3A_Narration/6.01%3A_The_Purpose_of_Narrative_Writing). The main goal is to move the audience through laughter, sympathy, fear, anger, and so on/06%3A_Narration/6.01%3A_The_Purpose_of_Narrative_Writing). Narrative texts can also have didactic or instructive purposes, such as teaching moral lessons or sharing information about historical events or specific cultural traditions. The generic structures of narrative text include orientation, complication, resolution, and re-orientation/coda. Understanding the purpose and methods of narration is important for students to develop higher-level thinking skills and to follow the story line.

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