The purpose or main goal of the care provided by rehabilitation facilities is to help patients with physical or mental disabilities obtain maximum self-care and function. Rehabilitation is care that can help individuals get back, keep, or improve abilities that they need for daily life. The overall goal of rehabilitation is to help individuals regain independence, but the specific goals are different for each person and depend on what caused the problem, whether the cause is ongoing or temporary, which abilities were lost, and how severe the problem is. Rehabilitation is highly person-centered, meaning that the interventions selected for each individual are targeted to their goals and preferences. Rehabilitation can be provided in many different places, such as inpatient or outpatient hospital settings, outpatient physio- or occupational therapy practices, and community settings such as an individual’s home, a school, or a workplace. The benefits of rehabilitation include reducing the impact of a broad range of health conditions, complementing other health interventions, preventing, reducing, or managing complications associated with many health conditions, and enabling individuals to engage in or return to work and employment, or to remain independent at home. Rehabilitation is an investment, with cost benefits for both the individuals and society, as it can help to avoid costly hospitalization, reduce hospital length of stay, and prevent re-admissions.
what is the purpose or main goal of the care provided by rehabilitation facilities