The seniority of the LDS apostles is determined by the date of their ordination into the Quorum of the Twelve. The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles is the second-highest leadership body of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, with the First Presidency being the highest. When one of the apostles dies, a new apostle is selected by the President and sustained by the membership of the Church at a General Conference. The following are the current members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, listed by seniority:
- Russell M. Nelson
- Dallin H. Oaks
- M. Russell Ballard
- Jeffrey R. Holland
- Henry B. Eyring
- Dieter F. Uchtdorf
- David A. Bednar
- Quentin L. Cook
- D. Todd Christofferson
- Neil L. Andersen
- Ronald A. Rasband
- Gary E. Stevenson
- Dale G. Renlund
- Gerrit W. Gong
- Ulisses Soares
Note that the seniority of the apostles can change as new apostles are called and ordained.