what is the seniority of the lds apostles

what is the seniority of the lds apostles

1 year ago 38

The seniority of the LDS apostles is determined by the date of their ordination into the Quorum of the Twelve. The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles is the second-highest leadership body of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, with the First Presidency being the highest. When one of the apostles dies, a new apostle is selected by the President and sustained by the membership of the Church at a General Conference. The following are the current members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, listed by seniority:

  1. Russell M. Nelson
  2. Dallin H. Oaks
  3. M. Russell Ballard
  4. Jeffrey R. Holland
  5. Henry B. Eyring
  6. Dieter F. Uchtdorf
  7. David A. Bednar
  8. Quentin L. Cook
  9. D. Todd Christofferson
  10. Neil L. Andersen
  11. Ronald A. Rasband
  12. Gary E. Stevenson
  13. Dale G. Renlund
  14. Gerrit W. Gong
  15. Ulisses Soares

Note that the seniority of the apostles can change as new apostles are called and ordained.

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