The Shopping Cart Theory is a viral theory that proposes that an individuals moral character can be determined by whether they choose to return a shopping cart to its designated spot after use or whether they simply leave it wherever it suits them. The theory suggests that returning the shopping cart is the ultimate litmus test to prove if someone is capable of self-governing and doing the right thing even when no one is watching. The author of the theory argues that returning the shopping cart is an act of altruism that one must do out of the goodness of their own heart. The theory concludes that the shopping cart is what determines whether a person is a good or bad member of society. While the theory might come across as an extreme mode of judging ones character, it has gained popularity on social media and has sparked debates on the internet. Some people argue that leaving the cart in a designated spot is not always possible, especially for those with disabilities or elderly people. Others argue that the theory is flawed and that it is not a reliable indicator of ones moral character. Despite the criticisms, the Shopping Cart Theory has become a cultural phenomenon that has sparked discussions on morality and social norms.