what is the teas test

what is the teas test

1 year ago 35

The Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS Test) is a standardized, multiple-choice entrance exam for students applying to nursing and allied health programs in the United States. It is used to determine the preparedness of potential students to enter into a nursing or allied health program. The exam is created and administered by Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI) . The TEAS exam covers four main content areas: reading, math, science, and English and language usage. The exam is 209 minutes long and consists of 170 items, drawn from a TEAS Test Bank consisting of thousands of questions that are given on several versions of the exam. The topics covered are reading, mathematics, science, and English language and usage. The exam includes multiple-choice, multiple select, fill in the blank, ordered response, and hot spot questions. The passing score on the TEAS exam varies from nursing program to nursing program, but a score of 62.5% or above is considered a passing score by AdventHealth University.

Preparing for the TEAS exam is crucial for success. The biggest mistake that can be made on the TEAS is not preparing for the exam. Thorough preparation is recommended, and it is suggested to allow at least 6 weeks of preparation time. To prepare for the exam, it is recommended to cover the fundamentals, utilize test prep resources, and take practice tests. The TEAS exam is a predictor test that statistically predicts whether or not a person can pass and graduate from a school of nursing.

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