The temperature in Philadelphia varies depending on the day and time. Here are some sources with information on the current and recent temperatures in Philadelphia:
According to, the high temperature on September 23, 2023 was 78°F, and the low temperature on September 26, 2023 was 57°F. However, this is a 10-day forecast and may not be accurate for the current date.
AccuWeather reports that the current temperature in Philadelphia as of October 7, 2023 at 5:05 PM is 16°C (61°F).
The National Weather Service reports that the current temperature at Philadelphia International Airport as of September 21, 2023 at 12:54 AM was 62°F.
- provides an hourly weather forecast for Philadelphia, with temperatures ranging from 58°F to 64°F on September 24, 2023.
AccuWeather reports that the current temperature in Philadelphia as of October 9, 2023 is 71°F.
The National Weather Service provides a 7-day forecast for Philadelphia, with temperatures ranging from 54°F to 76°F.
Therefore, without a specific date and time, it is difficult to provide an accurate answer to the question.