what is the terrain of nigeria like

what is the terrain of nigeria like

1 year ago 39

Nigeria is a country in West Africa with a diverse geography, including deserts, plains, swamps, mountains, and steamy jungles. The country shares land borders with the Republic of Benin to the west, Chad and Cameroon to the east, and Niger to the north. Its coast lies on the Gulf of Guinea in the south and it borders Lake Chad to the northeast. Here are some key features of Nigerias terrain and geography:

  • Plains and savannas: Much of Nigeria is covered with plains and savannas, which are tropical grasslands that spread out as far as the eye can see and are interrupted here and there by trees and shrubs. The southwestern plains are home to the Yoruba people, who have lived there for thousands of years. Plains rise to the north of the Niger and Benue River valleys, while rugged highlands are found to the southwest of the Niger and hills and mountains are found to the southeast of the Benue.

  • Mountains and plateaus: Nigerias most mountainous region is found along its southeastern border with Cameroon. The countrys highest point is Chappal Waddi, which is 7,963 ft (2,419 m) above sea level and is also the highest point in West Africa. The most extensive upland area is the Jos Plateau in east-central Nigeria, a region 2000 to 4000 feet above sea level with elevations up to 5841 feet.

  • Rivers and deltas: The Niger and Benue Rivers form the upper arms of a flattened letter Y, coming together in the south-central part of the country, and proceed due south as the Niger River, fanning out into a large and intricate delta as the waters reach the Gulf of Guinea. Most of Nigerias oil deposits are found in the Niger delta or in the coastal waters. Nigeria has one of the largest river systems in the world, including the Niger Delta, the third largest delta on Earth.

  • Climate: Nigeria has a hot, tropical climate with some variations. There are three broad climatic zones, and generally, precipitation and humidity decline as you go from south to north. The three climatic zones are the coastal zone, the forest zone, and the northern savanna zone. A distinctive feature of Nigerian weather is the harmattan, a dry northeasterly wind that carries sand from the Sahara south as far as Nigerias coast during the months of December through February.

In summary, Nigerias terrain and geography are diverse, with plains, savannas, mountains, plateaus, rivers, and deltas. The countrys climate is hot and tropical, with some variations across different regions.

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