what is this song

what is this song

1 year ago 39

If you want to find out what song is playing near you, there are several options available:

  1. Google Assistant: You can ask "Whats this song?" and play a song or hum, whistle, or sing the melody of a song. Google Assistant will name the song if it has lyrics, or identify potential matches for the song if you hum, whistle, or sing it. You can then select one of the matches to view the search results page and listen to the song, read lyrics, or view the music video.

  2. Shazam: Shazam is a popular app that can identify the music playing around you. You can download the app on your phone and use it to discover songs, lyrics, and artists.

  3. AHA Music: AHA Music is a song finder for your browser. You can click the "What song is this?" button to recognize songs playing around you. You can also record yourself humming or singing a song, or upload a file to identify a song.

Using any of these options, you can easily find out what song is playing near you.

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