what is thrips on plants

what is thrips on plants

1 year ago 47

Thrips are small, straw-colored insects with feathery wings that are common pests on both outdoor and indoor plants. They feed on plant sap, causing damage to plant tissues with their chewing mouthparts. Thrips feeding can result in stippling, discolored flecking, or silvering of the leaf surface, and can also cause distorted plant parts or vector plant pathogens. They can be challenging to deal with and are often difficult to spot due to their small size. Thrips can cause significant damage to plants, including stunted growth, distorted leaves, and premature leaf drop. They can also affect the cosmetic appearance of plants, especially herbaceous ornamentals and certain vegetable crops. Thrips can be managed through various methods such as physical removal, insecticidal soap, neem oil, and biological control. It is important to isolate affected plants, thoroughly inspect new plants before bringing them home, and regularly wipe down the leaves with water to prevent thrips infestations.

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