what is tinder for fire

what is tinder for fire

1 year ago 46

Tinder is a material used to start a fire. It is the first step when building a good wood-burning fire. Tinder is an easily combustible material that ignites kindling. It consists of small shavings or shreds of material that will burn hot quickly. Tinder can be made of any flammable substance, as long as it is finely divided and has an open structure. Examples of natural tinder include dry grass, leaves, shaved bark, dandelion head (clock), birch bark, cattail fluff, cattail leaves dry, dry pine needles, fat lighter or fatwood, tinder fungus, punk wood, and poplar cotton. Good tinder should be around the size of pencil lead, no shorter than an outstretched hand, and enough to fit within cupped hands. When lighting tinder, it should be gently blown on so that the flame spreads more easily.

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