what is tissue culture class 10

what is tissue culture class 10

1 year ago 53

Tissue culture is a technique used to grow cells and tissues in an artificial medium separate from the organism. It involves the cultivation and growth of fragments of plants or animal tissues in a laboratory. In plant tissue culture, parts of a plant are used to generate multiple copies of the plant in a very short duration. The technique exploits the property of totipotency of plant cells, which means that any cell from any part of the plant can be used to generate a whole new plant. Tissue culture is used to develop thousands of genetically identical plants from one single parent plant known as somaclones, and this process is known as micropropagation. The method offers an advantage over other methods as it can be used to develop disease-free plants from disease-ridden plants by using their meristems (apical and axillary) as explants. Tissue culture is also used for the production of ornamental plants such as dahlia, chrysanthemum, orchids, etc. .

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