what is title tag in seo

what is title tag in seo

1 year ago 38

A title tag is an HTML element that specifies the title of a webpage. It is written as <title> and placed under the <head> section of a webpages HTML code. The title tag appears in the browser tab and search engine results pages (SERP) . It serves as a headline to summarize a pages content and is important for user experience, SEO, and social sharing. Title tags signal to Google what a page is about and help improve rankings on search engine result pages. Here are some key points to keep in mind about title tags:

  • A title tag must contain the target keyword to tell both Google and searchers that the web page is relevant to the search query.
  • Its best to keep title tags between 50 and 60 characters to avoid getting cut off on desktop or mobile SERPs.
  • Title tags should be accurate and concise descriptions of a pages content.
  • Google may rewrite a pages title tag when displaying it in the SERPs to fit their own logic of intent and relevance.
  • Title tags are a confirmed ranking factor and play an essential role in terms of organic ranking (SEO) .

To optimize title tags for search engines, its important to use powerful, click-worthy language, format them properly, and use website SEO tools like Google Search Console to optimize click-through rates.

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