what is to be done chernyshevsky

what is to be done chernyshevsky

1 year ago 34

"What Is to Be Done?" is a novel written by Russian philosopher, journalist, and literary critic Nikolay Chernyshevsky in 1863). The novel tells the story of Vera Pavlovna, a woman who seeks economic independence and escapes the control of her family and an arranged marriage. The novel had a profound impact on the course of Russian literature and politics, and the idealized image it offered of dedicated and self-sacrificing intellectuals transforming society by means of scientific knowledge served as a model of inspiration for Russias revolutionary intelligentsia. The novel was also a favorite of Lenin and his revolutionary comrades, and it has been said that "What Is to Be Done?" was more influential in laying the foundations for the Russian revolution than anything written by Marx. The novel is considered a classic of Russian literature and has been translated into many languages.

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