what is torch test

what is torch test

1 year ago 44

A TORCH test is a group of blood tests that check for several different infections in a newborn or pregnant woman. The full form of TORCH is toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, and HIV. However, it can also contain other newborn infections. Sometimes the test is spelled TORCHS, where the extra "S" stands for syphilis. The TORCH screen is useful for determining whether there may be an infection, and if the result is positive, more testing will be needed to confirm the diagnosis. The mother will also need to be checked. The TORCH screen involves taking a small sample of blood, usually from a vein located in the arm. The TORCH titer is a test that is often run in this setting, which is usually a panel of IgG tests for the pathogens noted.

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