what is trade union

what is trade union

1 year ago 41

A trade union is an organization made up of members, mainly workers, who join together to maintain and improve their conditions of employment. The primary aim of a trade union is to protect and advance the interests of its members in the workplace. Trade unions negotiate agreements with employers on pay and conditions, discuss major changes to the workplace, accompany members in disciplinary and grievance meetings, provide members with legal and financial advice, and provide education facilities and certain consumer benefits such as discounted insurance.

Trade unions originated in Great Britain and became popular in many countries during the Industrial Revolution. They may be composed of individual workers, professionals, past workers, students, apprentices, or the unemployed. Trade union density, or the percentage of workers belonging to a trade union, is highest in the Nordic countries.

Trade unions are structured as a network of local branches with representatives in every workplace. Union representatives negotiate agreements with employers on pay and conditions, discuss major changes such as redundancy, discuss members’ concerns with employers, accompany members to disciplinary and grievance meetings, and help members with legal and financial problems.

Trade unions are legal, and the law gives workers the right to join a trade union wherever they work. Workers are protected from being disadvantaged for being a union member, and specifically, trade union membership is an unlawful reason for refusing employment, dismissing a worker, or selecting a worker for redundancy.

In summary, a trade union is an organization of workers who join together to maintain and improve their conditions of employment. They negotiate agreements with employers on pay and conditions, discuss major changes to the workplace, and provide members with legal and financial advice. Trade unions are legal, and workers have the right to join a trade union wherever they work.

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