what is transhumanism

what is transhumanism

1 year ago 38

Transhumanism is a philosophical and intellectual movement that advocates the use of technology to modify and enhance human cognition and bodily function, expanding human limitations and promoting life-promoting principles and values. It seeks to guide us towards a posthuman condition, where the human species can continue to evolve beyond its current form. Here are some key points about transhumanism:

  • Aims: Transhumanism aims to enhance the human condition by developing and making widely available sophisticated technologies that can greatly enhance longevity and cognition. It seeks to accelerate the evolution of intelligent life beyond its current human form and limitations by means of science and technology.

  • Relationship with humanism: Transhumanism can be viewed as an extension of humanism, from which it is partially derived. While humanists believe that humans matter and can make things better by promoting rational thinking, freedom, tolerance, democracy, and concern for our fellow human beings, transhumanists agree with this but also emphasize what we have the potential to become.

  • Ethical concerns: As transhumanist ideas developed from theory to actuality, ethical concerns increasingly took a central role in transhumanist philosophy. Scientific breakthroughs, including stem cell therapies, in vitro fertilization, brain chips, animal cloning, exoskeletons, artificial intelligence, and genomics, have redirected the dialogue between transhumanism’s proponents and its critics from the future to the present. Concerns that transhumanist technology will create greater social inequities are among the most-voiced criticisms of the movement.

  • Relationship with religion: Although many transhumanists are atheists, agnostics, and/or secular humanists, some have religious or spiritual views. Despite the prevailing secular attitude, some transhumanists pursue hopes traditionally espoused by religions, such as immortality, while several controversial new religious movements from the late 20th century have explicitly embraced transhumanist goals of transforming the human condition by applying technology to the alteration of the mind and body.

  • Limitations: Transhumanism is not a lifestyle, a religion, or a self-help guide. It can’t tell you what kind of music to listen to, which hobbies to pursue, whom to marry or how to live your life, any more than, say, being a member of Amnesty International or studying molecular biology could tell you.

In summary, transhumanism is a philosophical and intellectual movement that advocates the use of technology to modify and enhance human cognition and bodily function, expanding human limitations and promoting life-promoting principles and values. It seeks to guide us towards a posthuman condition, where the human species can continue to evolve beyond its current form.

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