Transmasculine is a term used to describe individuals who were assigned female at birth but identify with masculinity. It is an umbrella term that encompasses diverse gender identities that defy binary notions of male and female. Transmasculine people can include trans men, non-binary people, bi- or pangender people, and genderfluid people who identify with the masculine identity. It is important to note that not all transmasculine individuals identify as male. The term "transmasculine" is meant to be used for people who were assigned female at birth and feel that is an incomplete or incorrect description of their gender. Being transmasculine doesn’t dictate which gender roles someone does or doesn’t follow. Transmasculine individuals often feel a profound disconnect between the social norms and physical characteristics associated with their assigned sex and their internal sense of self. As a result, they may undergo a transition process that can involve social, medical, and legal steps to align more with their gender identity.