what is trapping slang

what is trapping slang

1 year ago 32

According to the search results, "trapping" is a slang term that can have different meanings depending on the context. Here are the most common meanings:

  • Describing a persons appearance: In the South Florida area, "trapping" can refer to describing a female or male based on how hot or ugly they are, using 1/4 mile speed traps of a car.
  • Drug dealing: "Trapping" can refer to the act of selling drugs, moving drugs from one town to another, or using a building as a base from where drugs are sold.
  • Anime slang: In the anime community, "trap" is a word used to describe characters who look like the opposite gender.
  • Other meanings: "Trap" can also refer to a genre of hip-hop music, a place where illegal drug transactions take place, or the mouth.

Its important to note that some of these meanings can be offensive or derogatory, depending on the context.

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