what is triamcinolone acetonide ointment used for

what is triamcinolone acetonide ointment used for

1 year ago 145

Triamcinolone acetonide ointment is a medication used to treat various skin conditions and mouth sores. It belongs to a class of drugs called corticosteroids, which work by activating natural substances in the skin to reduce swelling, redness, and itching.

Some of the specific conditions that triamcinolone acetonide ointment can be used for include:

  • Psoriasis: a skin disease characterized by red, scaly patches on certain areas of the body.
  • Eczema: a skin disease that causes dry, itchy skin and sometimes develops into red, scaly rashes.
  • Dermatitis: a general term for inflammation of the skin.
  • Allergies: reactions to substances that the body perceives as foreign and harmful.
  • Rash: a change in the skins color or texture, often accompanied by itching or irritation.

The ointment is also used as a dental paste to relieve the discomfort of mouth sores. Triamcinolone acetonide ointment comes in various strengths and forms, including ointment, cream, lotion, and aerosol spray, for use on the skin and as a paste for use in the mouth. The frequency of application typically ranges from two to four times a day, depending on the condition being treated.

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