what is true shooting percentage

what is true shooting percentage

1 year ago 39

True shooting percentage (TS%) is an advanced statistic used in basketball to measure a players efficiency at shooting the ball. It is intended to more accurately calculate a players shooting than field goal percentage, free throw percentage, and three-point field goal percentage taken individually. Two- and three-point field goals and free throws are all considered in its calculation. A higher TS% generally indicates a more efficient scorer, while a lower percentage indicates a less efficient scorer.

The formula for calculating TS% is:

$$\text{TS%} = \frac{2 \times \text{PTS}}{\text{FGA} + 0.44 \times \text{FTA}}$$

where PTS is points scored, FGA is field goal attempts, and FTA is free throw attempts. The 0.44 multiplier estimates all free throws which take up possessions, but technical free throws and and 1s do not take up possessions.

Unlike traditional field goal percentage, which only accounts for twos and threes and doesnt consider that threes are worth more than twos, TS% considers all types of shots when evaluating a player/teams scoring efficiency. Therefore, it is a more holistic way to evaluate a players shooting efficiency.

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