what is uht milk

what is uht milk

1 year ago 59

Ultra-high temperature (UHT) milk is a type of milk that has been sterilized by heating it above 140°C for 2 to 5 seconds, which kills bacterial endospores. UHT milk is also known as ultra-pasteurized milk and is real milk, just like the kind you buy chilled in the dairy aisle. The UHT process is used to extend the shelf life of milk, and it can sit out unrefrigerated for about three months. Once the container is opened, the milk should be refrigerated and has the same shelf life as other milk (seven to ten days). UHT milk is commonly used in milk production, but the process is also used for fruit juices, cream, soy milk, yogurt, wine, soups, honey, and stews. UHT milk has the same amount of calories and calcium as pasteurized milk, but some loss of vitamin B12, vitamin C, and thiamin can occur in UHT milk. UHT milks protein structure is also affected, and it can cause Maillard browning and change the taste and smell of dairy products. UHT milk has seen large success in much of Europe, where across the continent 7 out of 10 people drink it regularly. However, UHT milk is less popular in Northern Europe and Scandinavia, particularly in Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and Ireland.

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