what is urea fertilizer

what is urea fertilizer

1 year ago 98

Urea fertilizer is a white crystalline solid containing 46% nitrogen. It is the most important nitrogenous fertilizer in the market and has the highest nitrogen content. Urea is neutral in pH and can adapt to almost all kinds of soils. It is a low-cost nitrogen fertilizer that is widely used in the agricultural sector. Urea is usually manufactured from anhydrous ammonia (NH3) . It is available in solid prills and in water solution. The urea-to-NH4 transformation will take place regardless of whether another nitrogen form or other fertilizer element is present in the fertilizer. Urea is applied alone or in combination with other fertilizers.

The main function of urea fertilizer is to provide plants with nitrogen to promote green leafy growth and make the plants look lush. Urea also aids the photosynthesis process of plants. Since urea fertilizer can provide only nitrogen and not phosphorus or potassium, it’s primarily used for bloom growth. Urea fertilizer has the following advantages:

  • Highest nitrogen content
  • Low production cost, as the source is natural
  • Non-flammable and risk-free storage
  • Wide application range, for all types of crops and soils
  • Neutral pH and harmless to crops and soil

In summary, urea fertilizer is a low-cost nitrogen fertilizer that is widely used in the agricultural sector to promote green leafy growth and make plants look lush. It has the highest nitrogen content and is neutral in pH, making it adaptable to almost all kinds of soils.

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