what is user id in bank of baroda

what is user id in bank of baroda

1 year ago 44

To get a user ID for Bank of Baroda, there are a few options available. The user ID is typically sent to the customers registered email ID. If the customer does not remember their user ID, they can retrieve it by using the "Forgot User ID" option available on the Bank of Baroda website. The steps to retrieve the user ID are as follows:

  1. Visit the Bank of Baroda website and click on the "Retail User" option.
  2. Click on the "Dont know User ID" option displayed on the top right side.
  3. Enter the account number, mobile number, and email address registered with the bank for verification.
  4. Enter the OTP received on the registered mobile number.
  5. The user ID will be sent to the registered email address and mobile number.

Customers can also contact Bank of Barodas toll-free numbers 1800223344 or 18001024455 for assistance with retrieving their user ID. It is important to note that customers should never share their user ID or password with anyone, and should change their passwords frequently to protect their accounts.

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