what is venison meat

what is venison meat

1 year ago 29

Venison is a type of meat that comes from game animals, primarily deer. However, the term "venison" can also refer to meat from other game animals such as elk, moose, caribou, antelope, and pronghorn. The word "venison" comes from the Latin verb "venari," meaning "to hunt".

Venison can be portioned into similar cuts as beef, including steaks, roasts, ground meat, and stew meat. It is characterized by its fine grain and supple texture resulting from short, thin muscle fibers. Venison has a distinct earthy, almost rich flavor, owing to a deer’s diet of grasses, leaves, twigs, berries, and fruit. It has a firm, smooth texture, but since it’s much leaner than beef, it tends to not be as juicy.

Venison is a healthy red meat alternative to beef, as it contains 50% less fat than beef and is lower in saturated fats. It is also slightly higher in protein and contains higher levels of Vitamins B6 and B12, Omega 3 fatty acids, riboflavin, and niacin. It contains high levels of iron and is an abundant source of selenium, a powerful mineral and antioxidant.

Venison can be purchased at neighborhood grocery stores, local butchers, and online. It is a versatile protein that can be grilled as you would steak or burgers, but it benefits from incorporating additional flavors and moisture. Venison may come in similar cuts as beef, but the flavor isn’t comparable. Venison may have other flavor characteristics influenced by diet, including herbaceous notes from herbs or nuttiness from acorns. The legs, saddle, loin, and tenderloin are butchered for steaks, chops, or cutlets, which are best cooked only briefly and can be served with a number of sauces and garnishes. The less-desirable parts of the animal, such as the shoulder, shank, and breast, are usually well marinated and are excellent for use in stews.

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