what is venison meat from what animal

what is venison meat from what animal

1 year ago 44

Venison is a term used to describe the meat of a deer or antelope. The term venison comes from the Latin verb venari, meaning “to hunt” . Venison can refer to meat coming from boar, hares, and certain species of goats and antelopes, but it is most commonly applied to deer meat. Venison can be used to refer to any part of the animal, so long as it is edible, including the internal organs. Red deer, axis, fallow, and roe are the most common types of deer used for their meat. Occasionally, roe venison shot wild in Scotland can be found. Venison is more tender and milder in taste than its wild counterpart. Most of Americas supply currently comes from New Zealand ranches and is marketed under the appellation Cervena. Venison is high in protein, vitamins, and minerals, and it has no carbs and is low in sodium.

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