what is virtue

what is virtue

1 year ago 37

Virtue is a trait of excellence, including traits that may be moral, social, or intellectual. It is the quality of being morally good and conforming to a standard of right. Virtues are abiding states that are acquired by practice and lost by disuse. Virtues are not innate, like eyesight, but are cultivated and refined. In human practical ethics, a virtue is a disposition to choose actions that succeed in showing high moral standards: doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong in a given field of endeavor. When someone takes pleasure in doing what is right, even when it is difficult or initially unpleasant, they can establish virtue as a habit. Such a person is said to be virtuous through having cultivated such a disposition. Virtue is a much-debated and evolving concept in ancient scriptures of Hinduism. The essence, need, and value of virtue are explained in Hindu philosophy as something that cannot be imposed but something that is realized and voluntarily lived up to by each individual.

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