what is vision and mission

what is vision and mission

1 year ago 71

Mission and vision statements are important components of an organizations strategic planning process. They help define the organizations purpose, goals, and aspirations. Here are the key differences between mission and vision statements:

Mission Statement

  • Defines the organizations business, objectives, and how it will reach these objectives.
  • Focuses on the present.
  • Explains why the company exists and how it plans to achieve its goals.
  • Helps a company respond to change and make decisions that align with its vision.

Vision Statement

  • Details where the organization aspires to go.
  • Focuses on the future.
  • Describes the desired future state of the company.
  • Inspires the team, showing them how success will look and feel.

Values statements are another important component of an organizations strategic planning process. They explain the companys core beliefs and principles, and how they guide decision-making.

Typically, senior leaders will write the companys mission, vision, and values statements with inputs from the broader organization. The development process usually begins by clarifying the purpose, then defining the mission, and then crafting the vision statement.

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