what is voter list class 9

what is voter list class 9

1 year ago 34

In a democratic election, the list of people who are eligible to vote is prepared much before the election and given to everyone, which is officially called the Electoral Roll and commonly known as the Voters’ List. The voters list is revised every year to add the names of those who turned 18 after January 1st and have moved into a constituency, and to remove the names of those who have died or moved out of their constituency. The significance of the voters list is as follows:

  • Equal opportunity: Every voter has an equal opportunity to choose their representatives.
  • Ownership: Voters are the owners of the country, and it is the duty of the government to get the names of all those persons who have the right to vote.
  • Accuracy: The voters list is useful to get the correct information about how many have voted and to ensure that no person has given two votes.
  • Spending limits: The voters list is used to set the spending limits for candidates and political parties and to guide them accordingly as per the law or the constitution of India.
  • Participation: A voter list is used to count the total number of eligible citizens who have given their votes in an election, which is one of the best ways to know whether citizens are participating eagerly or not.

In summary, the voters list is a list of people who are eligible to vote in a democratic election, and it is revised every year to ensure accuracy. The list is significant because it ensures equal opportunity, ownership, accuracy, spending limits, and participation.

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