what is voucher in tally

what is voucher in tally

1 year ago 45

In Tally, a voucher is a document that contains details of a financial transaction and is required for recording the same into the books of accounts. Vouchers are used for the systematic compilation and collation of data in the form of invoices, purchase orders, certificates, along with other information required to process the payment. Tally vouchers are documents containing all the information of financial transactions and provide an easy way to enter and modify entries in the books of accounts. There are two types of vouchers in Tally: accounting vouchers and inventory vouchers. Accounting vouchers in Tally can be further classified into sales voucher, purchase voucher, payment voucher, receipt voucher, contra voucher, journal voucher, credit note voucher, and debit note voucher. Inventory vouchers in Tally can be further classified into physical stock verification, material in and material out voucher, delivery note, and receipt note.

A voucher in Tally is used to record financial transactions such as payments, receipts, purchases, and sales. It acts as proof or evidence of the transaction and provides an accurate record of financial activities in an organization. For every transaction, the appropriate Tally voucher can be used to enter the details into the ledgers and update the financial position of the company. The voucher entry menus options are available under Transactions in the Gateway of Tally.

Contra voucher in Tally is a vital accounting tool to document a cash transaction involving one or more banks, cash, or deposits. It helps to keep a record of any withdrawal, deposit, or transfer between the accounts available on Tally. Payment voucher in Tally is used to account for all the payments made by the company by way of Cash/Bank. Payment voucher can be passed using Single Entry or Double Entry. Receipt voucher in Tally is used to record all the money received by the company. When accountants make a receipt voucher in Tally, all the invoices which have pending payments pop up as a reminder.

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