what is vril

what is vril

1 year ago 35

Vril is a term that has been used in various contexts throughout history. Here are some of the meanings associated with the term:

  • Vril in literature: Vril is the name of a powerful energy source in the science fiction novel "The Power of the Coming Race" by Edward Bulwer-Lytton, published in 1871. In the novel, the Vril-ya, a superior subterranean master race, use Vril to heal, change, and destroy beings and things. The Vril staff is an object in the shape of a wand or a staff which is used as a channel for Vril. The staff is about the size of a walking stick but can be lengthened or shortened according to the users preferences. The appearance and function of the Vril staff differs according to gender, age, etc. Some staves are more potent for destruction.

  • Vril in conspiracy theories: The myth of Vril was quickly co-opted by Victorian mystics and passed down into the hands of nativist German cults. One of them, the Thule Society, backed Hitler and the Nazis. After the war, writers both pro- and anti-Hitler theorized that the Nazis had sought to build UFOs powered by Vril. From there it wasn’t too much of a leap for others to suggest that, perhaps, Hitler had actually fled to Antarctica, made contact with underground Aryans, and begun plotting a Vril-powered comeback.

  • Vril in mysticism: Vril has been associated with a natural and abundant energy that can be controlled and used for various purposes. Some mystics have referred to it as "vital magnetism" or "goddess energy". The Vril Society, a pseudohistorical Nazi secret society founded in 1921, was allegedly interested in studying and harnessing this energy).

  • Vril in ufology: Vril has been associated with a kind of flying saucer supposedly built by the Nazis. This technology led to the amazing German flying saucers of the Haunebu and Vril classes built under SS auspices.

In summary, Vril is a term that has been used in various contexts throughout history, including literature, conspiracy theories, mysticism, and ufology. Its meanings range from a powerful energy source to a life force or goddess energy.

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