A W2 employee is a worker who is formally employed by a company or organization in the US and receives a W2 tax form each year to report their income and taxes withheld. W2 employees are considered "employees" rather than "contractors" or "freelancers" and are entitled to certain benefits and protections under US law, such as health insurance, paid time off, unemployment, and workers compensation insurance. Here are some key points to understand about W2 employment:
A W2 form is a tax form used by employees and employers. This form includes information about the employer, the company, the employee, what the employee was paid this year, and what the employee paid in taxes through payroll this year.
W2 employees are hired and work under their employers. Their employers are the ones who decide where, when, and how they work. Their employers are then responsible for providing the means that allow their employers to do their job like office space, computers, software, tools, etc. .
W2 employees enjoy any benefits the company provides like insurance, wellness programs, paid time off, vacation days, retirement.
W2 employees are generally considered to be the most traditional form of employment.
W2 employees are not their own business owners. They work for the company and participate in employee benefit programs.
W2 employees receive a regular wage and employee benefits. The employer withholds income taxes from the employee’s paycheck and has a significant degree of control over the employee’s work.
W2 employees are entitled to certain benefits and protections under US law, such as health insurance, paid time off, unemployment, and workers compensation insurance.
W2 employees are different from 1099 employees, who are self-employed independent contractors and receive pay in accord with the terms of their contract and get a 1099 form to report income on their tax return.
In summary, a W2 employee is a worker who is formally employed by a company or organization in the US and receives a W2 tax form each year to report their income and taxes withheld. They are entitled to certain benefits and protections under US law and are different from 1099 employees who are self-employed independent contractors.