A website is a collection of web pages and related content that is identified by a common domain name and published on at least one web server. Websites can be created and maintained for a particular topic or purpose, such as news, education, commerce, etc. . A website typically consists of several web pages and data files that can be accessed through a browser such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Explorer. Each website has its own website address or URL, which stands for Uniform Resource Locator. A website can be thought of as a digital environment capable of delivering information and solutions and promoting interaction between people, places, and things to support the goals of the organization it was created for. Websites can be divided into two broad categories: static and interactive. Static websites usually display the same information to all visitors and provide consistent, standard information for an extended period of time. Interactive sites, on the other hand, allow for interactivity and are part of the Web 2.0 community of sites.