what is whey

what is whey

1 year ago 105

Whey is a liquid that remains after milk has been curdled and strained, and is a byproduct of the manufacturing of cheese or casein. It is a nutrient-dense, nearly translucent liquid consisting of all nine essential amino acids and vitamins and minerals. Whey protein is the protein from whey, the watery portion of milk that separates from the curds when making cheese. It is considered a complete protein as it contains all nine essential amino acids. Whey protein is commonly used as a protein supplement and is used to improve athletic performance and increase strength. It is also used for asthma, diabetes, weight loss, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support most of these uses. Whey protein is generally well tolerated, though people with lactose intolerance need to be careful, and some people may even be allergic to it. Whey is also used to produce whey cheeses such as ricotta, brunost, and whey butter and many other products for human consumption. It is also an additive in many processed foods, including breads, crackers, and commercial pastry, and in animal feed.

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