Friday the 13th is considered an unlucky day in Western superstition. The fear of Friday the 13th is called paraskevidekatriaphobia, which is a specialized form of triskaidekaphobia, a fear of the number 13. The origins of the superstition are difficult to pinpoint, but both Friday and the number 13 have been regarded as unlucky in certain cultures throughout history. In Christian tradition, fear of Friday the 13th stems from the day of the Crucifixion (Friday) and the number at the table at the Last Supper (13 men) . However, the Friday the 13th superstition dates back only to the Middle Ages. There is no logical reason to fear the occasional coincidence of any day and date governed by the 400-year cycle of the Gregorian calendar, but Friday the 13th can still have noticeable impacts. Sometimes people create their own misfortunes in their minds, and even skeptics can be superstitious. However, there is no evidence that more misfortune takes place on Friday the 13th than on any other day.